Fall 2023 UL

  • SKU: Fall 2023 UL
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  • A World Apart on the Green River A group of strangers quickly bond as they paddle and explore Labyrinth Canyon on the Green River in autumn. Story and photographs by Mike Shubic
  • Wendover and the Atomic Bomb Under a veil of extreme secrecy, Wendover played a crucial role in developing the technology that helped end WW II. Story by Valerie Phillips. Photographs by Chris and Azelan Amundson
  • Torrey’s High Altitude Orchard In a region where water is scarce, a couple leave their careers behind to plant an orchard and delight visitors. Story by Rachel Fixsen Photographs by Austen Diamond
  • Rock Art Mysteries of Northeast Utah In the second installment of our rock art series, a longtime Utah state archeologist’s first encounter with rock art shaped how he views etchings of headhunters and lizards. By Tom Hess
  • Park City’s Kind-Hearted Madam Rachel Urban provided her “soiled doves” with education, etiquette lessons and regular doctor visits, helped out-ofwork miners and donated to local schools. By Brandi Christoffersen

ON THE COVER Canoers paddle down the Green River’s Labyrinth Canyon during the autumn low-water season. Story begins on page 16. Photo by Mike Shubic.